8.21.10 Monterey
I remember the first time that I heard the story about the villagers in Africa that walked across one of the big deserts, like the Sahara or the Kalahari. There were going to deliver a message of great importance to the people in the village on the other side of the desert. It took them days to get there and it was tiring and arduous. When they got there they came and ate and drank with the villagers. They did not tell them the message. The villagers got impatient. They said, “Why don't you tell us why you came here? The messengers looked at each other and said, “We are waiting for our souls to catch up with us. Our souls do not travel as fast as we do. When our souls get here, we will tell you.”
We have been on the road for three weeks. Today in the fog of Monterey, I am hearing, “ Let your soul catch up with you. This is a day to catch up with yourself.”
In meditation I heard the following:
This is a time to learn new skills, but they cannot be learned in the traditional way. It is also a new way of learning. At first might feel that it is rough like when you walk in bare feet over rocks and pebbles. This might feel like the inner world of your soul. All of this is as it should be. It should not feel familiar and some of the time you will cry out in pain. Some of the time you might want to abandon the journey and return to what you know as comfort and familiar. All of this is as it should be. This is not the time to judge yourself. This is not the time to use old methods of creating meaning in your life. Yes, it is known that if feels like you must give up all that has had meaning for you. A complete revaluation of what is important is necessary in this next phase of life. You have already started to see that you do not need as much as you thought that you did. Again, you throw away, give away, leave for the next one, discard and abandon the possessions and the thoughts that no longer serve you.
Now is the time to have faith. Now is the time to remember that when a space is created with intention for the good, guidance and love will flow into that space. You will not be abandoned. You will not be left standing naked with no resources. It is just that your resources and the things that you will use to clothe yourself will look very different than they did before. Does that make sense? So there might be a period of time where you feel as if you are naked and without all that held you together before, but this is just a place of transition and transformation. Think of what the caterpillar feels before it goes into the cacoon and becomes a butterfly. Doe it truly know what the next phase is going to be like and feel like?
Remember also the fast flowing river. Your journey right now is like through your traveling. Remember that is fine to kick out of the river from time to time and find that quiet pool and let your soul catch up.
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