I keep hearing the phrase, "How then shall I pray?" It reminds me of Wayne Muellar that has written the book, How then shall we live?, but more than anything it keeps bring me back to a place of wondering how to pray, what words to use and how to really be with my requests to God.
In meditation I heard the following: Even when you pray the words "highest and best" for someone, it denotes a judgment on your part. This is not the language of spirit. We know that you are thinking that you know that there is a best place for yourself or the loved ones that you pray for, but this type of language asks for a distinction between something being better over another situation or person or thing that might happen. Do you see the difference?
At that time I felt something pour over me. It felt as if it was an expansive peace that pulled me in all directions. It felt expansive and deep at the same time. It felt as if I was tapping into something that I can only explain as a channel of frequency. It felt as if in this place there was no right or wrong, good or bad as we so want to label every event in our life. In this place there was only the sensation of knowing a connection to something beyond words and easy knowing. For me, the words that reflect this feeling is the ALL THAT IS.
I then asked the question, "Well then what words do I use?" What I saw and felt then was not really in words. It was a "holding up" sensation. I saw myself holding up each person and situation that I prayed for literally with my arms. I felt the immediate sensation of, "this is too heavy and I can't do this alone." Then I saw the image that I had during my surgery in 97, one of many hands of all different sizes and shapes holding me up to the heavens. I saw and felt that this is what we can do, hold our loved ones and ourselves up to that frequency, that place of the deep knowing of the ALL THAT IS. We can lay them on the altar of love, put them in the space where there is no judgment or control on our part, but rather this deep knowing that they are being held in the light of love that knows no earthly words of good or bad or even highest or best.
I guess I now felt as if I knew that maybe that when I have prayed for the highest and best for someone, it was really for this space of connection, one that just holds us with deep unconditional love.
I am interested in knowing "How then do you pray?"
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