Thank you so much specifically to those of you who signed up to be a follower of this blog. I truly appreciate each one of you and would like to invite each one of you to now become a subscriber of a new blog that I have started. The new blog is www.spiritexpressionbook.com To become a subscriber is free and it is my deep hope that this new site will become more interactive and a kind of online community dedicated to sharing the principles in my book Spirit Expression for EveryOne, A Guide to Living a Soul Driven Life.
I have been out of pocket as we are traveling for the last period of time. I have today posted new blogs on the new site and I would love to have you sign up at the new site and continue to comment and share your inner spirit expression with each other.
Many of you, that are not followers on this site, have let me know that you are reading the site and also send me some of your thoughts. I truly appreciate this and now invite you to please comment and post on the new site. I have begun to ask a question in bold at the end of most every post. I would truly love to hear what you have to say on each topic.
The name of our new ministry is Spirit Expression Ministry, ADL. We continue to be dedicated to the concept that each one of us has our own unique relationship with spirit and that when we can share these unique inner spiritual expressions with each other, then we can help create a world of spiritual acceptance and peace. This seems especially important in today's world of Koran burnings and religious intolerance.
Again, I thank you and invite you to a new updated experience. Hope to see you at www.spiritexpressionbook.com.
Blessings and gratitude,
Rev.Cathy Haven Howard