You believe that if you express a certain emotion it is bad. The acknowledgement and the expression of the emotion is not wrong or bad. These are man made projections. What hurts is when you do not take responsibility and you direct or project these emotions onto someone else. You tell them that they made you feel this way or that. They become your anger and your fears. This is another barrier to the truth.
When you shift your perspective and you say that you want to experience all of the emotions, you do this with a clean heart. You do this because you are allowing the God force to flow through you. God created all of the emotions, not to cause harm to others, but to actually be able to create a pathway to God. Emotion, energy in motion means quite literally that you cannot sit and ask that all of your emotions be taken away from you. If it is your practice to sit and meditate, then begin to see it as a flow of feelings that come through you and you may cry, scream, laugh or rage at any moment. Do you begin to see that it is actually quite a different process for you than what you have been doing?
The expression of your emotions does actually lead you closer to God. When they are not expressed it is like a barrier is formed with every emotion that is denied. It becomes a place within your cells that screams out but cannot create the voice, or laughs out and cannot find the bubbling laughter's way to the surface. It then becomes a pattern that keeps perpetuating itself. It is struggling to be free, but then the wall keeps getting bigger and bigger. A perception of whom you are begins to be created. This is not a true statement. This is not the truth of who you really are, yet the expression of the truth has been buried. This is not irrevocable, but it is something that can keep you from your overall health and well being because of your unwillingness to express the truth. So, this is a very different paradigm than the one where we thought this meant that we were to yell and scream at other people, or that crying or laughing within a few seconds of each other means that you are crazy.
Allow yourself the deep knowledge that emotions are one of your pathways to Oneness with God and that they are your ally not your enemy. What does an ally look like? What does someone who really stands with you look like? These are good questions to ask yourself. Now is the time to really know what it means to have an ally. You have many allies seen and unseen in your life. God is with you. You see and know this everyday.
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